What makes Kindred Healthcare a great place to work? Ourpeople, of course! Our clinicians answer this special calling becausethey have a fundamental, internal drive to directly help people. In return, weserve, develop and respect our employees in environments created to optimize theirjob effectiveness, experience, and satisfaction. This is who we are.
Who are you? To succeed in our high-energy, high-rewardenvironment, our clinicians provide compassionate critical careand deliver exceptional patient experiences, meaningful outcomes, andbonds for life.
As our most acute level of care, Kindred?stransitional care hospitals offer the same critical care patientsreceive in a traditional hospital or intensive care unit, but foran extended recovery period. Our clinicians play a vital role in therecovery process for chronic, critically ill and medically complex patients.
Asa Director Quality Management youwill:
Responsiblefor planning and implementing the performance improvement program to meet theneeds of the hospital.
Provideseducation to medical staff, hospital staff, and Governing Body.
Facilitatesperformance improvement activities, and CQI activities throughout thehospital.
Actsas resource person to administrative team, department managers, and medicalstaff.
Performsclinical risk management functions.
Assistsdepartment managers with preparation for medical staff committees.
Oversightresponsibility for all regulatory body surveys, such as, JCAHO, State LicensingReview, HCFA (CMS) Validation surveys.
Maintainsoversight responsibility for all performance improvement activities conductedthroughout the hospital.